BOARDS IN Medium Risk Zones
babsy Avatar
vs: the summoner BY babsy ON Sept 16, 2024 14:22:20 GMT

[EVENT] Just in, between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, a new land mass has been spotted and is recorded to be just a little under half the size of the United States spanning a total of 1.9 million miles of various terrain. Live images in The Hub show different monsters along regions, but little more is known. More news updates to come as the situation develops! The island has been named "Ender island" by multiple gossips. And is neutral ground and will be heavily guarded by the powerful guilds of the world, or at least they were trying to.

Tristan Wu Avatar
The Cold Hearted BY Tristan Wu ON Sept 6, 2024 2:33:21 GMT

[North Pole] - A cold and flat expanse dominated by tundras, sheets of ice, and the occasional volcano. Nothing lives here except the hardiest of monsters, but their fur and horns turn out to be great crafting materials - if you can subdue them in their natural habitat, or find one of the less-hostile villages of giants to barter with (the hostile ones will lock you up in prison camps). Dress warmly!


[PVP ENABLED] [Italy] A floating colosseum that provides players with a unique PvE/ PvP experience. Victors will be noticed by the system and get rewarded. Waypoints linked to the Colosseum can be found in safe zones.

Hikari Avatar

[Atlantic Ocean] Formally known as the infamous Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Triangle has now seemed to embrace all the folktales and occult theories that surrounded it. Here one can find a multitude of floating islands in between all the sunken and depraved ships. Some islands can be seen harboring small towns of demi-humans and/ or NPCs, many of whom give out quests. Portals to the astral realm can be found here, beware, venturing into them could lead to your exit from this world. Permanently.

isaiah cornell Avatar
A Zealous Slaughter BY isaiah cornell ON Sept 10, 2024 1:39:56 GMT

[Philippines] A chain of thirteen islands that dot the South China Sea near what was once the Philippines. The islands are inhabited by wyrm, dragon-kin, and the occasional dragon; while the sea is infested with beasts that rival the Kraken of myths and make the great white seem rather puny. The islands range in size and landscape. Some of the islands have jetting mountains and lush rainforests, while others are barren and covered in large magma pools. You’ll find transport between the islands via mini-waypoints scattered throughout the archipelago.


[Russia] - The stench of rust and rot is ever present in western Russia. With a lot of it's landmass ripped from it to create the floating lands and isles it is now a location that’s covered in ruined buildings, toppled skyscrapers and peculiarly vines of wires and cords that all seem to be connected together and beating as if it’s a vein. Yet the thick fog surrounding the region hides the truth of the mystery. Undead and Machine abominations roam the land aimlessly, as it seems they target any living being-human or not that treads into these foul lands.

Esther Estrada-Levin Avatar

[USA] - The mountains of America went through a large upheaval and now these large landmarks contain numerous surprises inside. Inside resides topography that varies mountain by mountain although most have a plethora of flying type creatures living inside them. Be wary about falling as people rarely are able to see the bottom…

kurai Avatar
[Mission] Elemental Train Ride BY kurai ON Sept 12, 2024 1:55:20 GMT

[Detroit, USA] - A cyberpunk nihilistic underground of an area (formally known as Detroit, Michigan), the area is littered with electronic shops, Demi-Humans, NPCs, and Players. This map specializes in vehicles and is composed entirely of buildings and roads, multiple parking garages are littered throughout this area. Many of the parking garages happen to be expanded spaces with various different roads and vehicles of their own, any type of race can be found in these parking garages, and as such exploration of this area can have one jumping from a technological marvel to a high fantasy setting! Outside of the city rest the Outlands, a desert hell scape for vehicles and scavengers.

Morgana Avatar
A Kind of Jailbreak [M] BY Morgana ON Sept 18, 2024 19:01:31 GMT

[USA] - The streets are empty, buildings overgrown and flooded. Some skyscrapers never end, rising up endlessly into the stars. Monsters species vary greatly, and just about any kind of enemy can be found here.


Medium Risk Zones
everylin Avatar
everylin Aug 19, 2024 14:49:14 GMT
everylin Sept 9, 2024 13:31:55 GMT
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